Welcome to All Saints!
We have a small regular congregation but our numbers swell to between 40 and 80 for special services, such as Remembrance Day and Christingle. We offer a mixture of broadly traditional worship , with music from the organ and the Worship Band from Lyminge.
Services follow this pattern:
Sundays at 9.30 a.m. for about an hour:
2nd Sunday each month is a Worship Service, a lively service led by the Lyminge Worship Group
4th Sunday each month is Eucharist
There is no designated parking area for the church, however there is some space beside the one track road leading to the church that can be used. There is a rising path to the church and churchyard. Within the church there are steps on entry and up into the chancel area. At the moment we have no toilet nor baby changing facilities. We do not have a hearing loop or handrails within the church.
All Saints (pdf)
DownloadChurch Warden:
Dimitri Seratdivor - Dserazetdinov@hotmail.com
Asst. Church Warden:
Kathryn Druery kdruery@hotmail.co.uk
Church Fields, Stanford, Ashford, TN25 6UA, United Kingdom
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