Electoral Roll Renewal
Under the Church Representation Rules, we are required to form a new Electoral Roll in 2025 (as part of the 6-year cycle which the rules specify). Everyone who wishes to be included on the new Roll, whether they are on the present Roll or not, must complete an application form by the following Sundays at the latest, for the parishes in the benefice:
St Martin ACRISE & SWINGFIELD - 30th March
St Mary the Virgin ELHAM - 13th April
St Mary Magdalene DENTON & St Martin WOOTTON -13th April
All Saints STANFORD -30th March
St Mary & St Ethelburga LYMINGE & St Oswald PADDLESWORTH - 6th April
St Mary & St Radegund POSTLING - 6th April
Application forms are available from the church building, the church’s designated Electoral Roll Officer and can be downloaded below.
Completed forms can be returned to the church Electoral Roll Officer. Note :For Elham please return forms to Revd Sharon Paine.
To be on the Electoral Roll, you have to be aged 16 or over, a baptised member of the Church of England or of another Church (in communion with the CofE) and be resident in the parish or have worshipped there regularly for the last 6 months. Only those who are on the electoral roll are entitled to attend and participate in proceedings at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which this year takes place on the following dates :
St Mary the Virgin ELHAM APCM 18TH MAY @11AM - NOTE NEW DATE
St Mary Magdalene DENTON & St Martin WOOTTON APCM 14TH MAY @6PM
All Saints STANFORD -30th March APCM 30TH APRIL @7.30PM
St Mary’s & St Ethelburga LYMINGE & St Oswald PADDLESWORTH APCM 6TH MAY @7PM
St Mary & St Radegund POSTLING APCM 8TH MAY @7PM
Application for enrolment church electoral roll (pdf)