Our Church is open daily 0900-1700
Christian people have worshipped God on this site for over 1000 years. Today, the people of Elham gather here every Sunday to worship in many ways, from the traditional Holy Communion, to a Service of the Word. All ages are welcome to our services and we have a children's corner where they can play.
Our church hall is very close by, as is the Church of England Primary School, with whom we have a close relationship, and pubs, all within walking distance. We have kitchen facilities within the church.
We are able to accept donations online via a Payez system.
Members of the community join together in the church for events other than worship, such as concerts and markets.
We maintain our church as the living centre of our own Christian life and worship, and we also seek to hand on to succeeding generations not only the building, but also the living faith symbolised by it.
Services at St Mary's:
Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for 1 hour:
1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday are Eucharist services.
4th Sunday is a shorter, less formal Eucharist, for 45 minutes.
Said Eucharist
Monthly, on every first Sunday at 8 a.m. for 30 mins - a short, traditional Book of Common Prayer Eucharist
Morning Prayer
Every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. for 30 mins - meeting in the Jesus Chapel ( Side Chapel). Prayers from the St Mary's Community Prayer Board are offered as well as prayers for the Church, the World and those in need.
We have step-free access, on well-maintained paths; an accessible toilet & baby change; hearing loop. Parking is in public areas- The Square, Church Walk- which are all a short walk away. There are no handrails within the church. The church is well-lit and heated, with additional comforts of blankets and cushions!
St Mary the Virgin (pdf)
DownloadChurch Wardens:
Ken London:
Peter Swain:
01303 840408
Anthony Trinkwon Church Concert Enquiries:
CT4 6TT, Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom
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CHURCH PAGES Mar 25 (docx)